1. WORD FROM THE COACHES A huge big up for our guys who completed their last big weekend in preparation for Ironman Port Macquire in just under 2 weeks. Annemarie, Andy, Rich, Malise and Evan have been putting in some serious kilometers culminating with a 36k run on Sunday. Well done on making it this far, a huge feat in itself – enjoy some rest and recovery in your taper before the big dance on Sunday 1st May. Next week we’ll have race numbers and info on race day. We have a good number of support crew going up too so will have regular updates on race day from the venue with pictures too no doubt. 🙂
On Saturday in slightly inclement weather we had 15+ athletes riding the Great Ocean Road in the annual ride around the region. Some took on the 60k and others the 145k – next year maybe the 204k…. Great to see guys out there after a long hard season riding for the enjoyment and not focused on speed or time. It was great practice too for some who will take on parts of the course come June in our Lorne camp. The descent down Bennies into Lorne is one to experience and love. check out Kat’s blog for a little insight into this amazing ride and road. https://lifeupsidedomn.com/2016/04/18/riding-along-our-favourite-road/ APRIL RECOVERY AND TRANSITION MONTH For those who have now finished racing recovery is key before the build to next season. Read more about what is going on and the events coming up to help you get there below. Please note that the Coffee and Cake Rides are all abilities so a great time to come along, meet other guys in the squad and have some nice food! Our ride this Saturday 23rd starts from West Beach St Kilda at 7am where we will also eat afterwards. For those not attending the goal setting and need to run there will be a set from The Great Provider in St Kilda from 6pm on Thursday evening. As the weather cools down do ensure you are dressed appropriately for the sessions especially as we will be hitting the hills in the months ahead on the bike. Layers are key to be comfortable during this time. For a full range of gear jump on the TriShop here END OF SEASON PARTY – TICKETS & VOTING Tickets are on Sale for the party on Saturday 14th May. Get the early bird price and make sure you vote for the awards; information on this very popular event click here. LORNE CAMP Bookings are now available for the Lorne Camp over the Queens birthday long weekend of the 10/11/12/13 June. For this all abilities camp we will be staying at the Lorne Life Saving Club giving great easy access to the Great Ocean Road for our rides and the trails and foreshore for a variety of runs. Read more here.
RUN MELBOURNE We know there are plenty of crew already planning their winter runs with many taking part in Run Melbourne. We have created a team so we can see who is racing – join in here to Run on the 24th July 2016. TIMETABLE Please do ensure you check the timetable and our Victorian Facebook page for training updates during this recovery and transition period as we have changed a few sessions and sometimes have to change at short notice. The main change is that there are now no Elwood combo sessions on a Thursday or Saturday. Click the session on the calendar to give you more details including time and location. top
2. APRIL RECOVERY MONTH With the end of the season now here for many of our athletes we are now in the recovery and transition period. This is a very important time of the season where you need to unwind, rest and recuperate. Sessions should be fewer and much less intense to give tired bodies the rest that they deserve. If you have any questions about your own recovery or program please let your coach know and we can work through it with you. The timetable does look busy but we do still have a number of long course athletes training for races in May and June. This recovery & transition period we have the following:
- Goal setting sessions
- Thursday 21st April [For those new this season and those who have not attended one of these sessions before]
- Thursday 28st April [For those who have been racing for a number of years or have attended these sessions in previous years]
- Coffee and cake rides
- Saturdays 23rd and 30th April
- Sunday activities
- Trail run/walk – Sunday 24th April
- 100 Steps & breakfast – Sunday 1st May
In May when athletes have had some down time and are looking towards the new season we will be looking at introducing skills sessions on the bike, some bike maintenance as well as strength and conditioning and nutrition/body management. Please email us at [email protected] with any questions regards your top
3. END OF SEASON PARTY – GET YOUR TICKETS – SATURDAY 14th MAY The time of year is here. And what a season it has been! Do we need a better excuse for a party than the season we’ve all just had? Whether you’ve been around for a week or 10 years, this is the night of nights for the Tri-Alliance family and we can’t wait to have you celebrate with us! This year we have an exciting addition… Why put off the inevitable?
4. LORNE TRAINING CAMP This marks our first triathlon camp and training spike for the 2016/2017 Triathlon Season. This is our BIGGEST CAMP OF THE YEAR with all athletes from various abilities and strengths ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. This Annual Training Camp held in Lorne is focused on kick starting your training for the coming Triathlon Season, while having fun and learning from experienced coaches, sports professionals, guest speakers and awesome sponsors packs and give away’s. This year we are also joining forces with Endurance Team to give you a bigger and better camp. All athletes are encouraged to stay at the Life Saving club so as to reduce travel time to and from other accommodation ensuring sessions are started on time and keeping that squad closeness and camaraderie going. For more information and early bird bookings (including a new design long sleeve running top) check the TriShop out here. Dates: Friday 10 June 2016 (2:30pm onwards – though an optional Tempo Great Ocean Road ride will be scheduled @ 1pm prior to check in. All levels welcome) Saturday 11 June 2016 Sunday 12 June 2016 Monday 13 June 2016 (departing after lunch and clean-up is complete) Camp Package Options: Both options include Athlete Sports Pack with early bird package only including New Branding Tri Alliance long sleeve running top valued at $69 (A) Full Package: Accommodation, meals and training (breakfast and lunch Sat/Sun/Mon) – $459 (Option C – Early bird price is $399 plus long sleeve running top. ENDS STRICTLY 13TH OF MAY) (B) Training Package: NO Accommodation, Meals (breakfast and lunch Sat/Sun/Mon) – training only – $339 (Option D – Early bird price is $299 plus long sleeve running top. ENDS STRICTLY 13TH OF MAY) Any camp questions please email us at [email protected] top
Please ensure you check the calendar regularly to know where and when sessions are as they do sometimes change (this is especially true for swim sessions at MSAC as these can change and are often unfortunately beyond our control). This weeks highlighted sessions: (please ensure you check your program or consult a coach so you attend the appropriate session and that you know your distances – remember you are accountable too!). When out riding please do so safely and pay attention to all the road rules and others using the road. Read on for a guide to cycling etiquette and bike road safety and ethics.
- Thursday 21st April – Goal Setting – Great Provider @6pm
- Saturday 23rd April – Long course ride – Elwood @630am. Check your programs for distances.
- Saturday 23rd April – Coffee and Cake Ride – St Kilda – West Beach Cafe @7am. Food at West Beach post ride.
- Sunday 24th April – Long Course run – Elwood @8am
- Sunday 24th April – Trail run & Walk – Mordialloc @11am (get your info below)
When riding on a Tri-Alliance coached road ride it is a requirement to wear team colours. This helps keep and identify the group together and provides more safety in the fact that other riders from outside the group are less likely to join in the group – we do not know them or their riding abilities. top
Safe & Happy Training
Tri Alliance
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