IMNZMassive congratulations to our IM New Zealand guys who all completed their fist full IRONMAN around a notoriously tough course on Saturday. Andreas, Mal and Andy have trained together, become great mates and shared more than most probably should over the past few months and deservedly achieved their goals. The pictures here show the guys waiting for each other at the finish line to celebrate together. This is the spirit that we have seen week in week out and should be seen as inspiring and motivational to all. We imagine the drinks flowed as did the stories long into the evening. You guys deserve it all – rest up and we look forward to hearing about it very soon.

Andreas clocked an impressive 10:07 with an average of 35kph on a challenging bike course. Mal crossed the line in 10:46 with a solid marathon having overcome a running injury just 2 weeks ago. Andy came in on 11:23 pushing himself and overcoming the mental barriers along the way. Great work guys.

Corporate Triathlon



In other racing news from the weekend we had a number of Tri-Alliance athletes racing in the Corporate Triathlon at Elwood with some cracking times and pace being set. This was a great speed tester for the upcoming Gatorade at Portarlington this weekend. We also saw heaps of Tri-Alliance members racing for their company having a great time around the course. Well done all who took part, came down, helped out and supported. At least this year there was a swim and not a beach run!

Coles Bay Half

DanCoach Dan was over in Tasmania racing in the Coles Bay half distance event being cheered on by his family and crossing the finish line with his children. From Dan’s race report the run was tough with plenty on the sand which after a solid 90k bike is going to hurt no matter what!

“The run was tough from the start – 4 laps on a great course mostly very flat with about 3.5k of each lap on the sand of Muir Beach which was still very hard and no issue in keeping a decent pace – if you had the legs for it – I didn’t…
Was really glad to see Elle, Angela and Alyssa from lap 2 onwards twice heading out and coming back along the beach – Angela ran with me each time and that definitely helped keeping the spirits up on this up and down day on the run ”

SAVE THE DATE – Saturday 14th May – End of Season Party. For more information and tickets for this very popular event click here.


This coming weekend we have athletes racing across the country in a number of different events. For most of the short course guys we have Portarlington’s 30th anniversary race on the scenic course which is a favourite amongst many of the squad. There will be a coached session at the race venue from 730am so if you are staying down Friday night get along to this for a course recon and some tips and tricks. There will still be a combo at Elwood for those not making it to Portarlington on the Friday night – Elwood 730am.

For those down at Portarlington we’d love it if you could help on Sunday morning for the kids race – they are the future of our sport and are always keen to give it a go. A few minutes of your time before your race will go a long way to making their day.

In the North of the state we have David Plush taking on the Peaks Challenge tackling 235k and 4k of climbing all of which is to be done inside 13hrs. This loop takes you from Falls Creeks through Tawonga Gap to Hotham round Omeo and back up to Falls. One stunning and tough day in the saddle. We wish you all the best David.

Up in Queensland we have a few athletes racing Mooloolaba Olympic distance – Good luck Dan W , Dan K and Christie.


March Calendar is now up and running so please check it out including the new Pro Hours sessions.

There are some changes due to the Grand Prix over this period, as well as Labour Day (MONDAY 14th March – NO SESSIONS) & Easter (FRIDAY 25th, SUNDAY 27th, MONDAY 28th – NO SESSIONS) so do ensure you check this timetable and our Victorian Facebook page for training updates as these sometimes have to change at short notice. Click the session on the calendar to give you more details including time and location.



Tickets can now be purchased at the early bird price of $75pp via TryBookings here.


Our End of Season party is booked and we want everyone to be there. This cracking event returns again to The Village Melbourne and Ormond Hall and is open to all Tri-Alliance members, friends and family.

Running from 6:30pm until 11:30pm we will have drinks and canape’s on arrival with dinner served between our much anticipated awards. Who will take out the much coveted Zoolander award from last years winner James Tyler (or can he repeat!!). Other awards will go to our short and long course male and female achievers along with the John Cornish Scholarship and best newcomer.

Don’t miss out and double book yourself.

If you are wanting to help out on the organisation of this event then please do email us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you.



Tri-Alliance-Corp-Logo-2015-TWP Pro Hours

There has been great feedback from the first week of Pro Hours as we look to build on this in the coming weeks. Many thanks to all those who have come along and made the most from the sessions.

Please share and spread the word about these FREE sessions and if you happen to have a day off or can adjust your schedule come along and give them a go.

With many athletes having flexible working arrangements and the power to adjust their own training schedule it was about time we offered some “Pro Hours” training sessions. For the month of March we are running free triathlon training sessions during the day.

  • Can’t make our early morning or evening sessions?
  • Got to drop off or pick the kids up from School?
  • Work from home and need a break?
  • Like a sleep-in before training?
  • Don’t do the 5am wake up?
  • Have a flexible working arrangement?

Then Tri-Alliance “Pro Hours” could be just right for you.

The sessions will cover pool swims, run technique and interval sets and work on the bike such as road skills, strength and endurance. If you are interested, have a question, want more info or want to register please email us at [email protected]. Our timetable is out now and more details can be found here.



CW-recovery-sq-v4With the end of the season approaching for many we are starting to think about what to do for April after the final races of the season in Victoria. This is a very important time of the season where you need to unwind, rest and recuperate. Sessions will be fewer and much less intense to give tired bodies the rest that they deserve.

Last year we mountain biked, went indoor rock climbing, ran boot camps and did some strength and conditioning. We want to hear from you some suggestions on activities that are different from the normal swim/bike/run, don’t cost an arm and a leg and can be a good social occasion for all to join in on.

Please email us at [email protected] with any suggestions you think would fit the bill.



Even though we are already mentioning recovery month do not think that there are only a couple of races left in the season. There are plenty still out there and our friends at SME360 and XOSIZE events have a few coming up. For those who have been asking and cannot currently run due to injury there will be another Aqua Bike race at St Kilda on the 10th April (1500m Swim and 40k bike) – details will be out shortly of the Gatorade Triathlon website.


Make a long weekend of it! Race 4 Portarlington Sunday 13 March on the Labour Day Long Weekend.

Gatorade – 800m / 26km / 8km, Specialized Fun Tri – 300m / 10km / 3km and Tri Kids – 100m / 3km / 500m

We’re really looking forward to GTS Portarlington Race 4 as we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of this event and as a special thank you, all Gatorade race participants will receive a commemorative 30th anniversary 2XU technical T-Shirt. Also being on the Labour Day long weekend it’s a great opportunity to stay down there and celebrate in style.Click here for more information and to enter: http://www.gatoradetriathlonseries.com.au/race-4/

martha  cove 2


Warrnambool Sufferfest 19-20 March 2016 FIND OUT MORE 
Bay Challenge – Dromana 26 March 2016 FIND OUT MORE
Bay Challenge – Safety Beach 2 April 2016 FIND OUT MORE
Martha Cove OlyFest 3 April 2016 FIND OUT MORE




Please ensure you check the calendar regularly to ensure you know where and when sessions are as they do sometimes change (this is especially true for swim sessions at MSAC as these can change and are often unfortunately beyond our control). This weeks highlighted sessions: (please ensure you check your program or consult a coach so you attend the appropriate session and that you know your distances – remember you are accountable too!). When out riding please do so safely and pay attention to all the road rules and others using the road.  Read on for a guide to cycling etiquette and bike road safety and ethics.

  • Thursday 10th March – Combo & Run – Elwood @6pm (reminder to always bring your wettie to these sessions to get in and practice OW).
  • Saturday 12th March – Long course ride – Elwood @630am. Check your programs for distances.
  • Saturday 12th March – Short Course Combo Elwood starting @ 7:30am. Bring all your gear but be prepared to ride first leaving the rest of your gear in your car (or a fellow athlete’s car). 
  • Saturday 12th March – Short Course Combo Portarlington starting @ 7:30am. Bring all your gear but be prepared to ride first. 
  • Sunday 13th Feb – All athletes (long & short course not racing at Portarlington) Swim, Run – Elwood from @7am – note this session will be non-coached so please check your programs for session details.

When riding on a Tri-Alliance coached road ride it is a requirement to wear team colours. This helps keep and identify the group together and provides more safety in the fact that other riders from outside the group are less likely to join in the group – we do not know them or their riding abilities. top

Safe & Happy Training 

Tri Alliance  

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