Over the last 2 weekends we had the final race of the TQ Club Champs at Redcliffe and Luke Harrop. Both race were over the sprint distance and it was a great way to finish the race season for a lot of our short course athletes.
At Redcliffe we had a another strong turnout with two State Champions in Jan Avery Spoor and John De La Courte plus two second placings, a third and multiple top ten’s. Thanks to everyone that competed in the Club Champs series and got behind the concept.
The prizes for that were on offer for everyone that competed in the club champs will be drawn at the End of Season Party on June 22nd. Thanks again to our sponsors from Video Pro, Mizuno and Rocket Science for providing those prizes.
At Luke Harrop again we had a couple of first place getters in Chris Bierton and Claire Huygens. For Claire it was her first age group win and a sign of things to come. We also some podium finishers and like Redcliffe a lot of top 10 fnishers in their age group.
A full list of results are on the website under the training section.
Our last beginner course for this season finished at the Luke Harrop race on Sunday. We had 11 athletes race and finish their first triathlon. It was great to see them all at training the next day and talking about their next goal.
Well done to the coaches who have facilitated all the courses we have run this season in Brad, Ray, Chris, Alissa and Claire. Whether it is someone doing their first triathlon or crossing the line an IM event it is a great buzz for a coach to be part of that experience with the athletes.
Our next beginner course will be in September so if you have a friend, relative or anyone talking about doing a triathlon let them know about the courses we offer.
Our end of season party will be on June 22nd at the Landing, Dockside. Cost for the night is $85 per person which includes a 2 course meal and 4 hour drinks package.
It will be a great night to celebrate a year of both change and success. Family and friends are welcome to attend and help us look forward to a even bigger season in 2013/14.
There will be some changes to the awards that we present each year. Athletes from Brisbane and the Gold Coast will be eligible for the awards of Most Outstanding Male and Female athlete, Most Improved, Endurance award and the Coaches award.
The Coaches award will be renamed to the Club Spirit award and we have new awards with Rookie of the year for everyone that competed a beginner course in the last 12 months and Masters Athlete of the year to reflect the outstanding contribution of some of our older age group athletes. The final new award will be for the Performance of the Year in recognition for an athlete that has a one off outstanding race.
In addition we’ll be awarding some more life members presentations and the new Mizuno/ Tri Alliance male and female ambassadors for 2013/14. Add in the prizes from club champs it is sure to be a night of celebration.
As always we’ll do a video compilation of the season so save the date now. There is an event for RSVP on the Tri Alliance facebook page with payments to the Social Club account by the 8th June.
Thanks again to Shoes Feet Gear from Paddington for providing the prize for the facebook photo of the month. The March photo was all about the Mum’s and Brett from Elite Sports Massage decided the winner was Yas Grigaluinas.
This month is all about the best race photo you have. It can be from any race any time so send us something to [email protected]
Every Saturday afternoon from 3-4pm at Suttons Beach, Redcliffe the Grimsey brothers are offering an ocean swim training session. Trent is the World record holder for the fastest crossing of the English Channel and along with Codie they dominate all the ocean swim races in Queensland and abroad.
So in terms of expert coaching it doesn’t come much better than what they can offer. You can register for the session at https://register.eventarc.com/15523/open-water-training-session and their facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/trent.grimsey?ref=tn_tnmn#!/GrimseysAdultSwimfit?fref=ts
The sessions are for competent swimmers over 12 years old and are great training for anyone wanting to improve their skills in the open water. They’ll be doing them every week through winter.
Trent will also be running a clinic for our athletes attending the Cairns IM training camp next weekend in Noosa.
Our fundraising for Smiling for Smiddy is coming along well and we’re over the $30,000 mark. One of our athletes and coaches from the Gold Coast, Dean Thurgood is doing is bit to contribute towards the fundraising.
He has set himself the challenge of running the Gold Coast Marathon on July 7th, doing 100 x 100m in the pool on July 21st and then riding for 12 hours around Mt. Coot-tha on August 4th which will be a massive 4 weeks for him.
Dean had leukemia as a child and fought the disease for 3 years before finally beating it so he knows how important these funds are. As part of his triple challenge in 4 weeks the 100 x 100m in the pool will be a squad event where all funds raised on that day will go towards the final total.
We have some more great articles and information on the Tri Alliance Australia website. In the Tri 101 section there is lots of great information and tips to help you in your triathlon journey.
All of the coaches from Tri Alliance Victoria and Queensland have contributed to these articles so go along and have a look.
Go to http://tri-alliance.com.au/news-and-media/tri-101/ and for You Tube go to http://tri-alliance.com.au/triathlon-training-videos/