Word from the coaches….
Build week 2 this week, so there would be no doubt some tired legs around the squad at the moment. Particularly for those athletes who have been training since May (yes 3.5months of training already!). But on a good note, we have seen some fantastic improvements from athletes who are going through their first winter based training. And those into another season, some good consolidation before we head into our speed work which is where you will really see the improvements kick in.
Our Full Ironman athletes and those half Ironman athletes who are into their 3rd or 4th season of Half IM racing, the kilometers will keep on building over the coming – Particularly for Busselton. If you are new to Half IM distance, then your training will continue to consolidate, distances on the bike will stay around 100km in the hills until we head out on the flat late next month.
If at any time over winter you start to see your motivation dwindle, then make sure you grab out your goals you wrote down early in the season. Look at them, remember them and refocus. Training now in the wet and cold is hard, but if you don’t your goals may fall out of sight. So keep up the great work.
Next week is TIME TRIAL WEEK! Full details regarding time trials will be sent out tomorrow – so please stay tuned for this information, particularily in regards to swim timetrials.
Run Session Tonight @ The Tan
A reminder regarding our run training on Thursday Nights:
- Seasoned long course athletes to meet at MSAC for a 6.00pm start, heading down to the Tan. Distances are now getting up to 16-18km. So if you are not at this level, please meet at the Tan and you can join in from there.
- New Long Course and all Short Course and beginner athletes or those coming back to running to meet at the Tan Start/Finish line (opposite Swan St Bridge) for a 6.30pm start. You must complete a 10-15min warm up prior to the 6.30pm start time. Groups will be divided by coaches there.
Dinner tonight at the Palmerston
For anyone up for a feed, we are having our regular post run dinner at the Palmerston Hotel, Cnr King Street & Palmerston Cresent South Melbourne (just off Albert Road). So after your run, rug up and head down to the ‘Palmie’ for a cheap feed – and yes, the parma’s are as good as they claim!
Saturday’s Ride
This weekends ride is back to Kinglake – let’s hope for better weather this time!
Be ready to ride 5min BEFORE your nominated start times for your ride briefing. The rides don’t wait for anyone – so make sure you are on time!
Meeting/Starting Points and Times:
Groups 1&2: Coaches Ollie & Sarah. Meet at Studley Park Boat House Kew, 6.45am for a 7.00am start.
Group 3: Coach Darren. Meet at Diamond Creek Train Station, off Station Street, Diamond Creek, 7.15am for a 7.30am start.
Group 4: Coach Stan. Meet at Studley Park Boat House Kew, 7.20am for a 7.30am start.
Maps and ride details:
Please ensure you are all aware of the ride maps for this weekend. Groups will stay together as best as possible, however you will still break into smaller groups based on rider ability. So you should always be aware of where you are heading and how to get back as a coach won’t be with you the whole way, so it is your responsibility.
Group 1:Strong cyclists, long course athletes, have recently been riding 120+km rides in the hills. Confident in bunch riding. Studley Park > Kinglake > Whittlesea > StAndrews Return 145km Approx 6 hours of riding.
Group 2: Remainder of Long Course athletes, experienced Olympic/Sprint distance Athletes (strong riders) have recently been riding 100km rides in the hills. Confident in bunch riding. Studley Park > Kinglake > Whittlesea > Return 120km
Group 3: Intermediate cyclists, have recently been riding 80-90km in the hills or up to 90-100km on the flat. Diamond Creek > Whittlesea > Arthurs Creek Return 85km
Group 4: Beginner riders, Try-the-Tri’s, new to cycling, or just getting back into it, need to gain confidence on the bike or learn hill climbing. 30-45km.
Bring: Sufficient food/hydration to cover you for the duration of the ride. Factor in 1 gel or half a bar/banana (or equivalent) for every 30-45min. (Better to have more than not enough!).
Compulsory: Front & rear lights, 2 x spare tubes, 2 x tyre levels, air/cannisters/pump, spare money, phone and emergency contact details are a must.
Sunday’s Run
8.00am start. Be ready 5min prior to the run starting. Distances according to your programs.
WEST- meet Essendon Rowing Club, Maribyrnong River
CBD – meet inside Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre, infront of Lakeside Sports Medicine Centre.
**If you are competing in the Melbourne Marathon it is super important that you don’t miss your long runs!
Athlete Notices
- New Tri Alliance Gear Order! We are putting an order in for new Tri Alliance Gear on 1 September – In time for our first round of races in October/November.
So if you are wanting to get your hands on some gear – make sure you order online! Order here… Some gear is in stock, everything else we will do a pre order. So if you don’t get an order in by 1 September, you may miss out!
- Around the Bay in a Day. We have a spot available in this years Around the Bay in Day 250km ride. If you were thinking about it but missed out on a place (sold out!) email [email protected]
- Melbourne Marathon. Only 2 months until Melbourne Marathon! If you haven’t entered yet, make sure you do! Enter here.
- Noosa Entries – USM opened up soem additional entries this week and there are still some places available. So if you missed out, get on it if you want to enjoy a great Olympic Distance race to kick start your season. Tri Alliance will have around 40-50 athletes heading up. Click here for moer info.
- Accommodation at Noosa – are you heading up for the Noosa Multi Sports Festival and still need accom? We have spots available – single and doubles. Prime location on Hastings Street!
Email [email protected] for more info.
- Tri Alliance Hoodies – ARRIVING TOMORROW (FRIDAY!) We will distribute at sessions from Monday – can’t wait!
- Swimming Ettiquette – If you are new to swimming with our squad OR you need a refresher on lap lane swimming ettiquette, make sure you read the following Pool Swimming Ettiquette to ensure you and those swimmers around you have an enjoyable and un-interupted swim.
- A Meter Matters – by now most of you would have heard about the push for safe passing distances. The aim of this Petition is to enlist your support in lobbying the State and Federal Government’s for a Minimum Safe Passing Distance rule of at least one metre to be enshrined in law. Click here to sign the petition.
- Athlete looking for a 2nd hand bike – Want to offload one of your bikes? We have a male athlete 6’2″ (large frame) who is looking to spend around $1,000 on a road bike. If you have one he may be interested in, email [email protected].
Gatorade & Active Feet Entries OPEN!
Tri Alliance is again excited to partner with SuperSprint as the Official Coaching Partners for the Gatorade & Active Feet Series, and entries opened this week!
Exciting changes this year including:
- 7 Race series – as a series entrant, you purchase 6 races only and you receive a discount for the 7th race!
- Additional race at Brighton for Race 3.
- Introduction of a Long Course event at Port Arlington
- Bonus series points for the Sandringham Olympic Distance
- New Major Sponsor SHOTZ Sports Nutrition – now you can get your gels and bars at races!
- CLICK HERE for more info and to enter
Bikes, Parts, Accessories & Servicing
Tri Alliance in conjunction with our Partners CBD Cycles are pleased to offer new and exclusive specials, discounts and servicing to all Tri Alliance athletes! Including FREE pick up and delivery!
In what is an evolving retail market, CBD Cycles are taking a step forward and offering fantastic exclusive monthly specials AND best pricing possible to all Tri Alliance athletes.
Bike Servicing – Convenience and Service Guarantee! (FREE pick up a& delivery!)
Parts & Accessories – Best Pricing Possible!
In the market for a new bike? Allow CBD to compare prices for you!
Click here to read more….. and grab yourself a bargain!
Shotz Sports Nutrition
Tri Alliance will now be stocking a range of Shots Nutrition Products – so if you are in need of gels, bars or hydration, you can order online and we will deliver to you at a session!
Gels: $2.20 a gel
Bars: $2.20 a bar
Hydration Tabs: $1 / 500ml !
You will struggle to find a better quality product at this price! Order yours online today! (purchase by box only, tabs sold per tube)
Otways Training Camp 16-18 September
Tri Alliance launches it’s next training camp in September!! Make sure you reserve your spot to avoid missing out!! 2 and 3 night options available. All welcome!
The camp will feature endurance/strength bike rides along the Great Ocean Road and Otways (hills), followed by flat to undulating runs straight off the bike. This camp signifies the commencement of our pre race preparation phase – which incorporates race specific training (bike/run combo). Distances will vary depending on athlete level, what you are training for and when your race goals are. So all levels and race distances are catered for!
Click here to read more and reserve your spot today (limited places remain!)
40 athletes have already locked themselves in – so you won’t want to miss out!!
Improve your performance with Altitude Training
Tri Alliance recently caught up with athlete Dan Brueckner who is using altitude training to improve his training and racing performance and prepare his his first Ironman in December.
TA: What made you start using altitude in your training?
DB: Falls Creek Training Camp in January 2011. I had the experience of having a go with the altitude machine and training in altitude, and seeing the positive effects a couple of weeks later going back to the hills around Melbourne in preparation for the Busselton 70.3. Read More…..
Athletes Racing
Last weekend we had a number of athletes racing including:
Somers Duathlon – Geoff Taylor, outright winner of his age group, Anthony Churchward, Sonia Gregoul. Well done also goes to Sarah Lausberg and Sheridan Brown who continue their stellar run as Tech Officials at the Duathlon Series. Well done girls!!
Sonia Gregoul used this duathlon as her lead-in race to her first sprint distance race in Asberry Park, New Jersey! Good luck next weekend Sonia.
Sydney City to Surf – Well doen to those who travelled up to Sydney and raced in the City to Surf. Stan Assimopoulos, Alex Angelini (PB’d in 72min!), Jason Potter (sorry if we missed anyone!)
Sandy Point Half – Is being run next weekend. Good luck to Chris Mutimer, Amnon Trebish, Jen Ring who are running.
Athlete Stories
From Sea Level to 12,500 feet – a race for honour, pride and a lost mate….
A senior Constable at the Victorian Water Police, Lynden Blackley is a determined man. A man with passion, pride and an extreme goal. Tri Alliance first met Lynden over a coffee at Degani’s 12 months ago. He was then reintroduced to us by JC in May this year which was when we learnt of his goal – the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race.
Rated as one of the toughest mountain bike climb races in the world, the Leadville 100 is not for the faint hearted. The race is nestled in the majestic Rocky Mountains, Leadville, Colorado. The area once the home of prospectors looking to strike it rich in the world’s largest silver camps. Today, the historic town comes alive with extreme athletes looking to earn a medal of their own — or head home humbled. Continue Lynden’s Journey here….
TRY-the-TRI Participant Profile
As we head into our third week of training, we caught up with participant Eloise James to see how her training is going so far.
Eloise James
What training/sporting background do you have (if any!)
I’ve always played netball and a bit of tennis. But apart from that I haven’t had a great deal of experience with sport.
What prompted you join this program?
My housemate told me about it and we both joined, thinking it would be a good way to get fit.
What are you looking to get out of the program?
Fitness! I want to be able to run without being in pain! And I’m also hoping to complete a mini triathlon this summer.
What bike do you ride?
An old hand-me-down Avanti. It’s my first road bike 🙂
What is your favourite leg? (swim/bike/run)
Do you have any bad training habits?
It doesn’t take much for me to convince myself to sleep through sessions. I also tend to ease off a lot when things are getting tough.
Who motivates/inspires you?
My friends are all very active and are encouraging me to get into exercise. And Cadel Evans, of course.
What are you enjoying the most so far?
I’m enjoying actually being up and seeing the morning. I’ve never been much of a morning person, but having done your days worth of exercise before 7am is a very novel and satisfying feeling! Im also enjoying meeting new people and exercising in a group.
Stay tuned as we follow Eloise through her 6 week training journey with us…..
Happy & safe training
Team tri Alliance
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