Word from the coaches….
With things starting to get back on track, although you may feel like you are getting back into a routine after the last two weeks, remember you may still be going through a grieving process. Remember it is ok to show grief, lean on others for support and most importantly talk to someone if you need to. Sharing your feelings is much better than bottling them up. We also ask for you to keep an eye out on one another. If you see someone who may be struggling, simply ask them if they are ok? This simple question may be all that’s needed. If you are unsure or need further advice, please feel free to speak to one of our coaches.
August and September are shaping to be a big couple of months. Ironman athletes are starting to really ramp up their hours in the saddle and km’s on the run, and our sprint/olympic athletes are incorporating more threshold and strength sessions. Our newest athletes – including our current group of Try-the-Tri’s are enjoying building a sound base fitness to allow the body to condition to the rigours of triathlon training. Our Kinglake Ride Participants are building up their strength and km’s on the bike in preparation for their big ride in just over 4 weeks time. Tri Alliance will have a big presence at this event and we are looking forward to seeing many of our athletes out there!
So if you are not on the training bandwagon yet (we know winter can cause havoc to your training), you really need to get your things together. If you are struggling for motivation or don’t know how to get back into gear then contact us in the office. We’ll get you on the right track and back into a routine in now time. Don’t wait any longer – as the longer you leave it the harder it gets!
Athlete Notices
- New Tri Alliance Gear Order! We are putting an order in for new Tri Alliance Gear on 1 September – In time for our first round of races in October/November.
So if you are wanting to get your hands on some gear – make sure you order online! Order here… Some gear is in stock, everything else will do a pre order. So if you don’t get an order in by 1 September, you may miss out!
- Around the Bay in a Day. We have a spot available in this years Around the Bay in Day 250km ride. If you were thinking about it but missed out on a place (sold out!) email [email protected]
- Melbourne Marathon. Only 2 months until Melbourne Marathon! If you haven’t entered yet, make sure you do! Enter here.
- Club Cards at MSAC. If you have recently renewed your Club card, you may be having issues with the card linking to ‘Tri Alliance’ when you scan in at their front desk. If this is the case, please let the reception desk know it needs to be linked again. If you do not get any action, please email [email protected] so we can resolve the issue.
- Accommodation at Noosa – are you heading up for the Noosa Multi Sports Festival and still need accom? We have spots available – single and doubles. Prime location on Hastings Street!
- Tri Alliance Hoodies – apologies for the delay, but Tri Alliance hoodies are now just about here! They are due to arrive back from the printers next week and we look forward to handing them out to you all!!
- Swimming Ettiquette – If you are new to swimming with our squad OR you need a refresher on lap lane swimming ettiquette, make sure you read the following Pool Swimming Ettiquette to ensure you and those swimmers around you have an enjoyable and un-interupted swim.
- A Meter Matters – by now most of you would have heard about the push for safe passing distances. The aim of this Petition is to enlist your support in lobbying the State and Federal Government’s for a Minimum Safe Passing Distance rule of at least one metre to be enshrined in law. Click here to sign the petition.
- Yell for Cadel! Anyone in the CBD area tomorrow might want to see
if they can sneak out of the office for a bit as our own Cadel Evans – crowned this years Tour de France winner will be doing a victory parade from 12noon down StKilda road and finishing at Federation Square. If you can’t make it along, try and find yourself a TV and watch it live on SBS from noon! What a great feat by a truly inspirational aussie.
- Gear for sale. We have an athlete selling some of their gear as they are heading overseas to assist the children of the Mondul Bai village, Siem Reap, Cambodia (www.newhopecambodia.com). If you need a garmin or wetsuit read on!
Brand new garmin forerunner 310XT (orange one that most of our athletes use), including heart rate monior and bike mount kit for $300 bargain!
2XU mens wetsuit size XL – never worn. $300neg.
If you are keen to get your hands on either of these items or want more info, please email [email protected]. All proceeds go to the Mondul Bai village, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
In memory of John Cornish (JC)
John Cornish was an outstanding coach, mentor, role model and friend to the Tri Alliance Team. He was caring, inspiring and motivating. In everything he did, it was all or nothing. He was hard working and dedicated, lived life with a passion and influenced everyone he touched. View our video montage in memory of JC…
JC’s Vision: Prior to his accident, JC was entrenched in creating and naming a room in the TA Office where athletes can train, be tested and our Retul Bike Fit’s be performed – the heart of the TA Office. This was the last project JC was working on before his accident. In honour and in memory of JC, Tri Alliance will be following through with his vision – and complete what he started.
Stage 1 of his vision: JC had sketched out how he envisaged the room to look and was adament on naming it, ideas he had were the “TA Lab” and “The Engine Room”. So the first stage of this project is to name the room in Johns honour. We are asking for your suggestions on what to name this room – click here to read more about JC’s vision and provide your naming suggestion….
Bikes, Parts, Accessories & Servicing
Tri Alliance in conjunction with our Partners CBD Cycles are pleased to offer new and exclusive specials, discounts and servicing to all Tri Alliance athletes! Including FREE pick up and delivery!
In what is an evolving retail market, CBD Cycles are taking a step forward and offering fantastic exclusive monthly specials AND best pricing possible to all Tri Alliance athletes.
Bike Servicing – Convenience and Service Guarantee! (FREE pick up a& delivery!)
Parts & Accessories – Best Pricing Possible!
In the market for a new bike? Allow CBD to compare prices for you!
Click here to read more….. and grab yourself a bargain!
Shotz Sports Nutrition
Tri Alliance will now be stocking a range of Shots Nutrition Products – so if you are in need of gels, bars or hydration, you can order online and we will deliver to you at a session!
Gels: $2.20 a gel
Bars: $2.20 a bar
Hydration Tabs: $1 / 500ml !
You will struggle to find a better quality product at this price! Order yours online today! (purchase by box only, tabs sold per tube)
Otways Training Camp 16-18 September
Tri Alliance launches it’s next training camp in September!! Make sure you reserve your spot to avoid missing out!! 2 and 3 night options available. All welcome!
The camp will feature endurance/strength bike rides along the Great Ocean Road and Otways (hills), followed by flat to undulating runs straight off the bike. This camp signifies the commencement of our pre race preparation phase – which incorporates race specific training (bike/run combo). Distances will vary depending on athlete level, what you are training for and when your race goals are. So all levels and race distances are catered for!
Click here to read more and reserve your spot today (limited places remain!)
Ironman Melbourne
As most of you would be aware, there was an exciting announcement last week, with WTC announcing the long awaited ‘Ironman Melbourne’! Tri Alliance was invited to the official launch of this event last week and what an exciting time ahead it is for triathlon!
The atmosphere at the launch was amazing and listening to the heads of the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) explain how Ironman Melbourne was born and how they plan to deliver the event is exciting. Read more…..
Please note: If you are thinking / considering / looking / hoping to enter Ironman Melbourne (entries open 28 Aug), then please email [email protected] to let us know. We can also provide guidance to anyone who is thinking of doing this as their first Ironman OR backing up from another Ironman.
Improve your performance with Altitude Training
Tri Alliance recently caught up with athlete Dan Brueckner who is using altitude training to improve his training and racing performance and prepare his his first Ironman in December.
TA: What made you start using altitude in your training?
DB: Falls Creek Training Camp in January 2011. I had the experience of having a go with the altitude machine and training in altitude, and seeing the positive effects a couple of weeks later going back to the hills around Melbourne in preparation for the Busselton 70.3. Read More…..
This Weekends Training
Saturday’s Ride
This weekends ride is back out along Beach Road or the Dandenongs.
Groups 1 & 2 heading towards the Dandenongs together, and Groups 3&4 along Beach Road to Mordialloc, Frankston and Humphries Rd. Please ensure you come prepared with all your gear, nutrition, spares and dress accordinig to the weather. Be ready to ride 5min BEFORE your nominated start times for your ride briefing. The rides don’t wait for anyone – so make sure you are on time! 🙂
Meet: North Point Cafe, North Rd, Brighton. Parking along North Road is FREE and is non permit. Parking in the cafe parking is ticket parking. Some side streets are permit zones.
Group 1 & 2: 7.00am, Coach Emma & Greg. Long Course Athletes and more experienced Olympic/Sprint distance Athletes (strong riders)
Group 3&4: 7.15am, Coaches Ollie & Sarah. Some new Long Course Athletes, the rest of Olympic/Sprint distance Athletes, beginner riders, Try-the-Tri participants AND any athlete that needs to ride on the flat due to injury.
Maps and ride details:
Please ensure you are all aware of the ride maps for this weekend. Groups will stay together as best as possible, however groups will still break into smaller groups based on rider ability. So you should always be aware of where you are heading and how to get back!
Group 1 – 130km Brighton, Devils Elbow, SkyHigh, Tourist Route, 1in20 home (hills)
Group will lead out the ride with group 2, heading out to Ferntree Gulley and up Devils Elbow, head straight out to SkyHigh, quick regroup at SkyHigh, then return back down and turn left down the Mount Dandenong Tourist Route. Quick regroup at the bottom for extra fuel and then straight back up to Sassafras. Riders will then head straight down the 1in20, back up to Sassafras for a final regroup and then return home.
Group 2 – 110km Brighton, Devils Elbow, SkyHigh, 1in20, Return home. (hills)
Group will head out to Ferntree Gulley and up Devils Elbow, regroup at Sassafras before heading out to SkyHigh, quick regroup at SkyHigh, then return back to Sassafras, down 1in20 (optional for new group 2 riders) and back up, regroup back at the top of 1in20 (sassafras) and then return home.
Group 3 – 85-100km Brighton, Mordialloc, Frankston, Olivers Hill, Humphries Rd Return (undulating hills and flat)
Group will head out towards Mordialloc for a quick stop/regroup – this part of the ride is easy. Riders will then head out in smaller groups to Frankston, working as a group, changing lead riders when needed. Quick regroup at Frankston Shell Service Station. Group will then head up Olivers Hill (steep short climb) and onwards to Humpries Road, you have reached the turn around point when you hit a roundabout with a cafe on the right. This section is hilly. Regroup at cafe for food/fluids and then head same way home. Stronger riders will then head all the way back to Port Melbourne and then back to Brighton to bring ride distance to 100km.
Group 4 – 40-60km Brighton, Mordialloc, Station St Return (flat ride)
Group will head out at an easy pace to mordialloc (20km), a quick regroup to see how riders are feeling. Any beginner riders can turn around and head back the same way home. Everyone else will head out another 10km along Station Street and then return the same way home (60km). This ride is flat with small undulating hills.
Post Ride Coffee & feed, North Point Cafe, Brighton. Make sure you hang around for a coffee after your ride! Group table booking under the name of Tri Alliance.
Sunday’s Run
8.00am start. Be ready 5min prior to the run starting. Distances according to your programs.
WEST- meet Essendon Rowing Club, Maribyrnong River
CBD – meet inside Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre, infront of Lakeside Sports Medicine Centre.
**If you are competing in the Melbourne Marathon it is super important that you don’t miss your long runs!
Athlete Racing Abroad
We recently had Tri Alliance athlete and resident pilot Brett Parker enjoy some racing over seas, including Antwerp 70.3 and Alpe d’Huez Tri. Read his interesting journey below! Thanks for sharing Brett!
Antwerp Ironman 70.3
The wind was blowing a gale but the flat course seemed ok. Water temp of 17 was fresh. Out of the water in 32 minutes, then 15km into the blowing gale punctured my rear tyre twice and used both spares and cartridges. With no course assistance nor additonal spares I was forced to walk back to Antwerp and cheer my friends on from the roadside bar. I was running new Vittoria Corsa clinchers with new inner tubes. Maybe I should try tubulars?
Alpe d’Huez 1.2km, 30km, 7km
Perfect still day of about 20 degress. We arrived at the start 5 minutes before the race after a cracking coast down a fast road from the town of Alpe d’Huez to the start at a freshwater lake. With a water temperature of 13 degrees it meant going fast from the start to warm up. But a mass start doesn’t make for a lot of open water. Saw some guys punching on at the first buoy. Out of the water in 20 minutes then a flat ride for about 15 kms until the start of the iconic climb of 21 bends at a gradient of 7.9%.
It’s brutal from the start. 711 metres to a final eleavation of 1850 metres; up to 11.5% at times, but there’s numbers on every switchback so you can count the corners down. Flags painted on the road and names of riders from the climb a week earlier gave the race even more meaning. Punctured again 4 km into the climb which cost probably 10 minutes, but this time it lasted. I put a climbing cassette (13/29) on the back but could’ve done with an extra cog on the front. It would’ve improved the cadence.
Finished the climb to heaps of supporters, but maybe less than 1% of those who who there a week earlier for Le Tour (reports of 500,000…possibly more); then a 7km mix of road and trail run through the ski fields reminded me a bit of Fallls Creek. 2:07 on the bike and 38′ for the run.
Well organised and one of the most enjoyable Tri’s I’ve done. Baguettes and cheese at the local market the next morning…
Happy & safe training
Team tri Alliance
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