Social Scene

Athlete’s Corner

Share your stories and read about your fellow athletes journey’s and achievements. There is a story behind every athlete. You may not be the fastest or strongest athlete, you may be not be vying for a podium or a spot at Kono, but there is a story behind every athlete and we’d love you to share it with us. Email [email protected] to share your triathlon journey.

The word from “Zoolander”

The “Zoolander” is well known around the Tri Alliance circles – he who knows the Zoolander, knows the most important part in ANY race is the photo! So read about how to ‘look good’ in a race from the man who is in search of the perfect finishing line photo!

Your Blogspot

Have a blogspot? Instead of keeping it to yourself, why not share your training and racing experiences with fellow athletes.


Enjoying the moment




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